연락처 정보

광주 컴박사에 문의하시려면 아래 정보를 사용해 주세요. 고객님의 소중한 의견을 기다립니다.





위치 정보

광주 컴박사는 대한민국 광주에 위치해 있으며, 고객님들께 고품질 컴퓨터를 제공합니다.


광주광역시 중구 계림동


월-금, 9-6

광주 컴박사에서 구매한 컴퓨터는 성능이 뛰어나고, 고객 서비스도 매우 만족스러웠습니다. 앞으로도 계속 이용할 예정입니다.


A retail store interior displaying modern electronic devices on white shelves. The walls are accented with pink lighting, and products from Samsung are prominently featured. In the foreground, several smartphones are showcased on stands, with various accessories visible on racks. The space is sleek and well-organized, emphasizing a contemporary technology theme.
A retail store interior displaying modern electronic devices on white shelves. The walls are accented with pink lighting, and products from Samsung are prominently featured. In the foreground, several smartphones are showcased on stands, with various accessories visible on racks. The space is sleek and well-organized, emphasizing a contemporary technology theme.
